Weekly blogs


How Social Media has affected the way i see myself

August 11, 2020

4 years Ago, I recieved my first phone.I started getting myself involved in social media.7th grade Second semester i started noticing how these models and influencers put themselves out there and as a young girl, i could not help but compare myself to them.My self esteem was down.They were considered the beauty standard and i looked nothing like that.The older i've been getting i am realizing that they facetune,photoshop their images and look nothing alike to what they make themselves appear.Instagram posts are always a better version of you.Moral of the story.You are your own kind of beautiful,don't spend endless nights crying because you aren't societys beauty standard at the moment.They all change every few years.If an influencer makes you feel bad,just unfollow them.Follow the pages that make you feel great.